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謎解きゲーム『メモ帳の謎 Episode 1』 1.20
Nexpe Apps
iPhoneで約50000人がプレイした新感覚ミステリー。ただの謎解きではない、奥深いストーリーが君を待っている。メモ帳を舞台にした脱出ゲーム風の謎解きゲームです。メモ帳には、いくつか謎があり、それを解いていくことになる。君は、メモ帳の謎を解くことが出来るのか!?■ストーリー主人公オールドは、コンピュータが大好きな学生。そんな彼のところに、「メモ帳」というどこにでもありそうなアプリケーションが届く。■3つのストーリーがクロスする・オールドが活躍するメインストーリー・アプリアイコンの文字※各話のアイコン。・侍伝説■収録内容・エピソード1「終わりの始まり」(メモ帳の謎1〜)※随時、お話を追加します。■メモ帳の謎とは・・・ メモ帳というアプリケーションと脱出ゲームと言われる謎解きゲームを融合したゲームです。-------------------------------------Supported by iPhoroid.( sense of mysteryabout 50,000 people were playing on iPhone.I'm waiting for you not a riddle just, it is profound story.It is a guessing game of escape style game that takes placeNotepad. In Notepad, there is some mystery, so that will solve it.You may either be able to solve the mystery of the notepad?■ StoryOld hero is, students love the computer. In the place of such him,application likely anywhere called "Notepad" arrives.■ Story of three crossesMain story Old plays an active partAnd character of the application icon※ icon of each story.Samurai Legend■ Collecting contents· "Beginning of the end" Episode 1 (1 to the mystery ofNotepad)※ from time to time, I will add a story.■ What is the mystery of Notepad ...It is a game that combines the guessing game that is said to escapethe game application called Notepad.-------------------------------------Supported by iPhoroid.(Http://
Mystery Memopad (solving game) 1.0
Nexpe Apps
The new feeling mystery which made the memopadthe stage. The deep story which is not a free solution of ariddleis waiting for you.There are some mysteries in a memo pad and it willbesolved.Can you solve the mystery of a memo pad!?■StoryHero OLD is the favorite student of a computer. Theapplicationwhich it is also likely to be in where a "memo pad"reaches hisplace.■Three stories cross・The main story in which OLD plays an active part.・The character of an application icon. ※The icon of each talk.・Legend of Samurai■The contents of inclusion・Episode 1 “The beginning of the end”(Mystery Memopad 1)※Talk is added at any time.■About Mystery Memopad It is the game which united the problem-solving game calledtheapplication and the escape game which are called a memo pad.-------------------------------------Supported by iPhoroid.(